Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Calm before the STORM ???????

Not a very eventful, few days !!.

Dawn went to a car boot sale, (on Sunday) to make a bit of cash, for our trip, to Gambia, for the ROOTS festival
Will be staying at Bwiam Lodge for 5 days, (first night and night before travel, staying at

Monday a trip to the GYM and returned to(rough) wash the car.

Trying to catch up on all my emails, sort out my trip to Cardiff, for BBC Capture Wales. And transport to a Speech Therapy appointment, next week.

Attending a council meeting tomorrow (Thursday)

Don’t forget (as if I will let you!!)
As the Community Council Elections are on May 1st 2008, I have been nominated.In Llanboidy, there are 6 seats and 7 nominees-- SO YOU KNOW WHERE TO PUT, THAT CROSS, when you go to the village Hall. (Alan Thomas).

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