Saturday, June 28, 2008


Weather---In the press !!!!!!!!!

The “weather”, in the UK, is very very disappointing, for the time of year?? (something to do with a weather system, around the Azores in the Atlantic ??).
So its been a “NO-GO” for me to go out on my trike, just having to go to the gym and, for swimming, I go to Llety Cynin
Went down to Towy Boat Club , to see if there were any improvements, on the “Sailing front” – NO CHANGE—
In the Carmarthen Journal this week, another “Towy River Festivity”, has been put off

An item that has been published, RYA Sailability (newsletter FOGHORN) has my sailing exploits in (from last summer) (page 8)
I thought that “watersports, in Gambia”, were NOT available, but this is what I saw, , at the hotel !!!
So, I have had chance, to upload some travel reviews (and a photo album, to holidays Revealed
And more photos to flickr

I wonder, if there are any comments, regarding my impression (with photos) of Sulayman Junkung Hospital, Bwiam, Gambia.
As I have said before, prior, to my trip, investigations, from media sources, and the internet, GOOGLE EARTH, Power up Gambia, etc, where “painting” a picture of a HOSPITAL.
I have been assured, by PUG , that the main part of the hospital, is towards the main gate ???.

As, a result, of an email, of POSITIVENESS”, sent to some Ataxian friends, I have been requested to copy it to, the ATAXIA UK, discussion board

Now, Going out on my trike, with waterproof clothes, afterall, it IS summer.

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