Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Gambian Adventure - Part 1

Left, for Travelodge in Reading, on 31st December 2008.
Alarm clock, didn’t work, next morning, so a quick route to Gatwick.

Got to Banjul airport, Gambia (VERY HOT), met by our friend Lamin.

Went to the hotel, via tour bus, checked in, went to our room, then made our way to the beach / pool.

Went to visit Lamin and his family, all very happy to see us return. We were treated to a meal, “Domoda” (rice with meat, in peanut sauce). Met up with friends, from previous visits.

One day a GTA guide took us to a BATIK Factory, very colourful fabrics and clothes, from their we went on to Lamin Lodge, a very peaceful place, where we took a “dugout” canoe tour, around the river and mangroves. Then returned to, the restaurant, for refreshments, with excellent views, over the river and mangroves.
The Lodge, restaurant, is along a raised, wooden, platform across the water and mangroves, with a solid stretch, of the path, in front of the building.

Next, day, we walked, (I WHEELED) along, the “Strip” (the busy tourist area/road, outside the hotel), to the Sennegambia Hotel, a very large, upmarket, hotel) we looked around the hotel gardens and watched, the daily, “Vulture feeding”, display.

Another journey, up to Banjul to look at the “Albert Market” (a maze of stalls, very close together, selling everything). After the market, we walked, along the, busy beach, to the Ferry Terminal (Chaos times 100), went to have coffee, at a market stall (we went here on our last visit, the stall holder remembered us) the coffee is made of condensed milk and is served in HUGE mugs, we also had a sandwich (Baguette with either spam or boiled egg) 2 baguettes, 3 coffee, 1 canned drink = 45D ( just over £1).
From here we went back to our guides compound, for another meal and spend time family (and experience daily life). I went to have my haircut in a local salon in Jeswang (short walk from the compound) 75D = £2 (approx).

The exchange rate differs daily, during our stay it was 37 – 38.50D to the £.
There are plenty of places to exchange money, best rate is always for CASH.
Cashpoints are very busy, not that commonplace (usually have a taxi, to find one working).

Photos on Flickr = http://www.flickr.com/photos/alanroygbiv/sets/72157612742009043/

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